| motion graphics templates for FCP X and Motion

The Big Bold 3D Title Pack

This pack uses bright bold colors, big chunky letters, and lots of lighting to make lots of shadows. There’s text that moves in circles, text that drops, lights that flicker on in more than one style, and cameras that bob and weave. It’s flexible too — the animations can be completely customised, as can the lighting strength, color and more.

The Big Bold 3D Title Pack is for sale now in two parts, Volume 1 and Volume 2, through

The Big Bold 3D Title Pack, Volume 1:

The Big Bold 3D Title Pack, Volume 2:

Here's the downloadable iBooks-based guide to both Volumes of the Big Bold 3D Title Pack, including tips, tricks, screenshots and examples.

An important note on performance:

Volume 1 titles include:

Volume 2 titles include: